Pricing Table

[pricing-table col=“4″] [plan name=“BASIC PACKAGE“ link=““ linkname=“Sign Up“ price=“$11.4″ per=“per month“ color=“#CD2122″ featured=“Best Price“]
  • Nail Cutting and styling
  • Hair Coloring
  • Spa Therapy
  • Body massage
  • Body Hand and Foot massage
[/plan] [plan name=“STANDARD PACKAGE“ link=““ linkname=“Sign Up“ price=“$20″ per=“per month“ color=“#CD2122″]
  • Nail Cutting and styling
  • Hair Coloring and styling
  • Spa Therapy with manicure
  • Body, Hand, Foot massage
[/plan] [plan name=“PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE“ link=““ linkname=“Sign Up“ price=“$44″ per=“per month“ color=“#999999″]
  • Hair Coloring
  • Nail Cutting and styling
  • Spa Therapy
  • Body massage
  • Body Hand and Foot massage
[/plan] [plan name=“EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE“ link=““ linkname=“Sign Up“ price=“$87.2″ per=“per month“ color=“#999999″]
  • Nail Cutting and styling
  • Hair Coloring
  • Spa Therapy and pedicure
  • Body, Hand, Foot massage
  • Spa Therapy
[/plan] [/pricing-table]

Über Mich

Anna Einsporn - zugelassene Heilpraktikerin


Tostedenstr. 4, 21614 Buxtehude



Montag - Freitag
09:00 - 19:00 Uhr nach telefonischer Vereinbarung

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