This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn’t cool huh!
[note note_color="#2ecc71" text_color="#fff" radius="2"] This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn't cool huh! [/note]
This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn’t cool huh!
[note note_color="#e74c3c" text_color="#fff" radius="5"] This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn't cool huh! [/note]
This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn’t cool huh!
[note note_color="#f1c40f" text_color="#fff" radius="10"] This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn't cool huh! [/note]